
Product Liability


It is undeniable that we live in a consumer driven society. So when drugs or products are used that are defective, malfunction, or cause injury, consumers may seek compensation for the damages they have suffered. Products liability law involves the interplay between the consumer and the manufacturer and/or distributor. A manufacturer can be held liable for a defective product, but also for the failure to warn of the dangers of using a product as well. This area of law is quite broad and includes many categories most individuals would not normally think about.

A few common examples of defective product cases include:

  • Automobile Defects/Recalls
  • “Bad Drug” Cases (Actos, Crestor, Lipitor, Testosterone, Vioxx, Yaz, etc.)
  • Defective Medical Devices (Hip, Knee, Bladder, etc.)
  • Malfunctioning Consumer Goods and Equipment

If you or someone you love might have been the victim of a defective drug or product, call us immediately. Attorney Trey Carnes has experience in dealing with products liability cases, and will get the compensation you deserve.

So hire The Law Office of Thomas L. Carnes, III and tell the insurance companies to “PAY TREY.”

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Office Address

4062 Peachtree Rd NE, Suite A244,
Atlanta, GA 30319





